Saturday, September 23, 2006

David Sedaris ~Ashes~

I thought I had posted this before, but I must have done something wrong.

I enjoyed reading the essay by David. When I was reading the essay I thought he came across as sarcastic and his sense of humor at times was dry. It seemed his whole family was the same way by the way he described and quoted them. I found the essay humorous by his choices of words and quotes.

I could not find this particular essay online, so I googled and listened to a few others. After listening to his voice, he seemed to sound a bit like Woody Allan, it only changed my impression a little. He doesn't seem quite as sarcastic as on text, but still had a dry sense of humor. He came across as a little geeky also, but I found him to be more homorous on audio.

There's not a whole lot of difference between his essay and audio. I think alot of that has to do with how he chose to write his essay. Text is harder to pick up voice inflections and sometimes attitude. I think his essay was very well written and he did well to keep it close to his own personality.

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